вторник, 20 октября 2009 г.

services of a conference call company

Many businesses have long used the services of a conference call company to spread their message to the investment community, where investment professionals could hear many firms in several days. To accommodate those who couldn't travel, the conference call allowed hundreds of analysts to hear a presentation and ask questions in real time.

But access was usually restricted and often involved long-distance toll charges. Occasionally a friendly broker would loan you his access codes, some of which found their way to the Internet. As a result, conferences could be swamped.
The Internet now provides a much more practical venue for the conference call. With its low cost and ability to accommodate many listeners it is now practical to open a conference call to almost anyone (at least to listen). And an increasing number of firms now do.

For example, a recent article in the Wall Street Journal related how companies do this as an efficient way to control the irresponsible babble on the Internet. People posting idle chatter now attract accurate responses from others who have heard the actual story on a conference call. As a result conferences calls services, the irresponsible postings are controlled.

Companies like the ability to make one public statement, and then be free from government limitations on how investment information must be released. And individual investors like it too, as access to this information gets them access to information that once only slowly reached the average investor.
Using the Internet has many advantages besides the instantaneous international release that results. It is possible to save the audio files so that the conference call can be accessed later at a more convenient time. Plus it's possible to edit out meaningless portions of each conference. Naturally, there are some limitations.

If everyone could ask a question, real brawls could result as the conferences became uncontrolled. So most Internet systems limit who can ask a question. An outstanding advantage for the average investor is to witness directly a firm's management in action. While the information might be the same, an investor gains confidence in management that presents a virtuoso performance over one that is defensive, hesitant, and obfuscation. The details aside, the speed of response and other items that don't get incorporated in an analyst's report can add a lot to one's understanding.

Previously, a small investor's only such access might have been at a company's annual meeting. Several firms have opened to provide investment-related conference-call services in one form or another over the Internet. Some conferences calls services require membership and user fees, but the trend seems to be toward company funding of the low cost service, and free or very low cost access by the public.

Expect that more and more firms will use the services of a conference call company to disseminate their information to a wider section of the population including investors and employees. You should encourage firms that you are interested in to do so. This form of communication is yet another form of ultimate corporate democracy.

Organizing A Conference Call - 10 Essential Steps

Conferencing calls are a boon to businesses and families. More that two people can talk to one another at the same time. There are today many kinds of conference calls:

* Audio conference calls. * Video conference calls. * Webconference calls. conferences calls services

A conference call saves money as well as time and enables people to take decisions on the spot. There are what are known as conference call providers who offer conference calling services and charge their clients on a per hour or per minute basis. Once you subscribe you will be given a toll free pin number. This must be sent to all the people who will participate in the conference call.

The 10 essential steps of organizing a conference call are:

1. Decide on a convenient date and time. Be sure to inform all persons concerned.

2. Contact a conference call service provider and pay the subscription.

3. Send all the participants the toll free number and pin number well in advance. 4. Book a time slot to avoid confusion.

5. On the date of the conference call meeting all the participants must dial the toll free number and enter the pin. Once they have done that the conference call can proceed. All participants will be able to ask questions, provide answers and communicate with one another just as they would in a face to face meeting.

6. The host or person who has paid the subscription will control the conference. And if the host terminates the call the conference call will end unless arrangements are made to continue the call.

7. If you need to share data or illustrations then you would need to make arrangements for a web conference.

8. Always arrange for the conference call to be recorded.

9. Ask about the billing system. Most conference call providers bill by the minute and have a 30 day billing cycle.

10. Before you sign up check up on reliability of service and whether the conference call service provider uses digital lines.

These days, conference calls have become affordable as there is fierce competition in the market. And an account can be activated within the hour of subscribing. And calls can accommodate as many as 200 participants.

On your part you can ensure that you are using a phone with no static. During the call ensure that all other devices like music systems or televisions are switched off. Memorize all the buttons on your phone. Accustom yourself to using a head set. Make notes during the call and assign one person to record the minutes of the conference call. Create an agenda for the conference call and send it out to all participants. Conduct the meeting in an orderly fashion so that no time is wasted. It is a good idea to request all participants to introduce themselves when they speak.

A conference call can ease business meetings and save money on travel.

Always find out what services are offered by the conference call providers. Find out about rates and discounts. It is a competitive field so you will always benefit by comparison shopping. Select a provider who provides good service and is yet affordable.

Conference Calling Applications

If you do not like installing memory hungry Conference Calling Applications on your machine, then Web based Free Online Conference Services can get your attention.

Tokbox is one of the early implementation of free web based conference call service and we also found another interesting competitor in this space called Voxli.

Voxli is simple but great web based conference call service available to everyone anywhere in the world. With skypecasts the thing of the past and using WebEx or any other business conference systems isn't really your thing, Voxli comes for your help.

Voxli provides all the basic features of a conference call systems right in your web browser and they don't even ask for registrations conferences calls services

Voxli Web based conference call service features:

1. Voice chat with up to 200 people at a time.
2. Never leave the browser - no large download, no server setup.
3. Invite your friends by sending them the URL of your voice conference through email or instant messenger.
4. Use push to talk to control when you are speaking even if you are outside the browser.
5. Voxli is free for all group sizes during open beta.
6. No need to register for an account.
7. Compatible with Windows and Mac.

If you are a gamer, then Voxli can virtually replace heavy cost of maintaining a TeamSpeak or Ventrilo VOIP servers. If you want to arrange a small group meeting with 50 people, its great to arrange with a single url to be sent over to everyone and they are on your conference call. No Phone Calls, No limit of how many minutes of conference calls, No need to dial international numbers just to connect a conference call.

You still need to download a Voxli Client which enabled VOIP for you and your friends. Voxli also gives you the ability to use Push to Talk features while in the conference and if you signup with Voxli, you can also get a voxli.com/username as your permanent conference call room.

We suggest you try voxli and do let us know your feedback on this Free web based conference call system.

Conference Call Providers

With the price of travel always on the rise, conference calling is the wave of the future. Never worry about travel safety or the high cost of business meetings again. We have conference calling companies offering plans starting at 6.5¢ per minute, and that's over a regular phone line, not VoIP, with conference calling providers offering plans going all the way up to 9.9¢ a minute. AFFORDABLE BUSINESS CONFERENCE CALLS

All the plans come wtih many of the conferencing features you want and need for your business or family conferences. These include local and toll free conference call numbers, lecture modes, mute/unmute, dial out, conference call recording, and toll free dial in numbers. Not all of these features are available with all of the below conference calling plans. conferences calls services Compare the list of features and price listed below to find the conference calling service that's right for you.

Here are 4 providers:

# The Conference Group
# AccuConference
# CogniConference
# Teleconferencing

Encourage Discussion on Your Conference Call

We have all been on a conference call where the leader asks “Are there any questions?” The sounds of lonely tumble weeds rolling across the prairie are all you can hear after that. Eventually, the leader will acquiesce and assume there is no feedback, then end the call. This is not ideal. The point of a conference call is collaboration and team work. So, we’ve developed a few pointers on how you can get the conversation started on your next conference call! AFFORDABLE BUSINESS CONFERENCE CALLS

Prepare before the meeting

* In your meeting invitation, give people a heads up about the conversation. If you let people know what to expect, they can be more prepared.
* Be specific. If you are asking for ideas on a new product launch, have each person bring 3 ideas on how to promote the product launch with existing customers.
* Give a little bit of background. If you are meeting to discuss possible changes to an existing process, outline the existing process. This will answer a lot of questions and give people time to get questions answered before the call if they have them.

During the meeting

* Give a brief introduction to the conference call. This is the time to layout goals for the meeting. What do you want to get accomplished? Letting people know what you expect will help them stay on task.
* If you have people on the call who have never worked for each other, introduce them. If you were in a face to face meeting, you would do the same. Either tell a bit about each person or have them give a brief description about what they do. This will get people accustomed to speaking on the calls. conferences calls services
* When it’s time to get the feedback, call on specific people. Yes, this is a bit like grade school. But after a few meetings people will know that everyone gets a chance to speak and they will be prepared to comment.

After the meeting

* Send out a quick email after your conference call thanking everyone for their input. This will make them feel appreciated and encourage discussion in the future.
* In your email, include a quick summary of what was said on the conference call. You can also record your meeting or use a tool like Meeting Sense to keep up with all of the interaction!
* Most importantly, make sure everyone leaves the audio conference with a list of action items. You want your calls to be more than just talk. Your collaboration on conference calls should lead to action in the business plan!

Your conference calls should always be productive and allow for discussion. These are just a few ways that we have found you can get your audience to open up. If you have other ideas or would like to discuss these suggestions, please comment below!

Improve Your Conference Call Presentations

Many of us are great speakers and motivators in person because we can make eye contact with our audience and see the effect we are having in their reactions. It can be much more difficult to feel confident about presentations made by teleconference because you cannot sense the reactions of your audience as easily. Here are a few tips to help you put together a successful conference call. conferences calls services

1. Be Prepared

Have a clear idea of how you want your conference call to proceed and take time to complete a written agenda. There's no substitute for good preparation!

2. Start strong

Begin your conference call with an enthusiastic greeting. The impression you make in the first five seconds of a conference determines how receptive and attentive your audience will be.

3. Stay focused

Keep on track with your agenda. Try to format your discussion topics into clear, concise points which are easy to follow. It's a good idea to write the topics you want to highlight in large letters on a piece of paper and place it where you can see it during the entire call.

4. Watch the clock

Keep an eye on the length of your conference call and be considerate of others' time. If you scheduled the meeting for an hour, your presentation should run a maximum of 45 minutes leaving time for questions at the end of your conference.

5. Ask for input

Periodically ask participants for their opinion on the subject at hand. Choose someone by name instead of asking for "comments from the gallery". This helps you gauge how well your message is getting across, and other participants will pay more attention if they know they might be called on for input! LOW COST AND TOLL FREE SERVICES

6. Wrap it up

Be clear when your presentation is ending. Recap the highlights of the meeting and clearly restate any goals or expectations you have for your audience. Make sure you formally end the meeting.

7. Ask for help

Remember that your conference call provider is your partner; your success is their success. Consider having an operator monitor your call for unwanted background noise and to ensure that a presentation can proceed without interruptions. You should also investigate the various features that will help you make the most of your meeting. For instance, you can have your meeting recorded, interpreted or transcribed so you can reach a wider audience.

Next time, we’ll talk about some tips for conference call participants. It will be great information to include in your meeting invitation so that your attendees know what to expect.

a Better Conference Call Participant

If you are frequently on conference calls, it’s important to know a little conference call etiquette. And, if you’re the one hosting the meetings, forward this information on to your participants or make it a part of your meeting invitation. These tips will make for a smoother meeting and give participants the common courtesy they'd receive during an in person meeting.

1. Be on time - Holding up any meeting is inconsiderate. If you’ve been asked to participate in a conference your opinion is important. So make sure you arrive on time.
2. Identify yourself - State your name each time you begin speaking. Not all callers will be able to identify you by the sound of your voice. Quickly saying your name can eliminate a lot of confusion.
3. Nix the speaker - When it’s your turn to speak on a conference call, make sure you pick up the handset or use a headset. Speaker phones can be responsible for feedback and static. Background noise disrupts the meeting for everyone and may prevent other participants from hearing the information they need. It also makes it hard for you to hear with other people are speaking and you end up talking over them.
4. Make friends with the mute button - When you are not speaking, use the mute button on your phone. If you don’t have a mute button, your conference call provider may have a touch tone command that you can use to mute your line.
5. Stay away from the hold button – If you leave the conference call to answer another line, you may end up playing hold music or messages into the conference, preventing the meeting from continuing until you return. It’s best to devote your full attention to the call at hand. If you need to handle an emergency, disconnect from the audio conference.

These tips are basic conference call etiquette that everyone should know. So, feel free to pass on this information or add a few tips of your own in the comments below.

How to plan Your Conference Calls

Planning for Your Conference Call:
* Have I made a list of all the people I'd like to attend and checked their availability?
* Is the service I use going to be active at the time I'm planning for my meeting?
* Have I communicated any special instructions for services I might need to my conference service provider?
* Have I communicated the date and time of the meeting to all of my participants?
(Don't forget to specify which time zone!)
* Have I communicated the appropriate dial-in numbers and passcodes to all participants?
* Do I have an agenda set for the meeting?
* Do some research to find out what your participants need to address and set up a timeline for addressing each issue. Plan your agenda around the effect you'd like to have on each of the participants and what you'd like them to take away from the meeting.
* Have I received confirmation of attendance from all participants?
* Have I provided all my participants with any materials they might need?
* Have I advised all participants of the agenda so that they will be prepared for the meeting?

At Conference Call Start Time:
* Have I secured a quiet location where I am unlikely to be disturbed during my meeting or be affected by distracting background noise?
* Do I have a list of participants and my agenda in front of me?
* Do I have a clock or watch visible to keep track of the time we are spending on agenda topics?

How to make Effective Conferencing Calls

As you host and join more and more conference calls, it is important that you
keep them professional and productive at the same time. When you hang up
from your conference call, you want to feel that you accomplished your
objectives and didn't just waste 30 minutes of your time. Read these useful
suggestions to help make your conference calls a success.

Before the Call
Stay organized and be prepared for your conference call.
*Notify your participants of the date and time of the call.
*Communicate any items that need to be prepared prior to the meeting.
*Send the agenda to your participants.
*Be sure you are in a quiet location where you will not be disturbed and
try to minimize background noise.
*Turn off call waiting, pagers and cell phones.

Starting the Call
Begin your conference call in a timely manner with introductions and a review of
the agenda.
*Be on time or early to your call.
*Introduce yourself when you speak and encourage others to do the
*Conduct a roll call so you know who is there.
*Briefly state the agenda.
*Do not put your phone on hold as this may put music into the
conference and prevent others from continuing the meeting.

During the Call
Keep your conference on track by engaging your participants and keeping them
informed of upcoming tasks and meetings.
*Ask for feedback from specific participants instead of the entire group.
*Table any discussions that are not relevant to the agenda for a later
time and place.
*Try to involve all of the participants in the discussion.
*Promptly deal with any noise or distractions by pressing *0 to request
an operator.
*Summarize the issues discussed and recap any action items resulting
from the call.
*Establish the day and time for the next conference call.

Tips for Improved Line Quality
Follow these helpful hints to ensure your conference calls run smoothly.
*Electronic devices (such as Blackberries or cell phones and associated hands-free devices, laptops, etc.) can
interfere with line quality if located too close to the phone. If possible, place such items a good distance away
from the phone you are using for the conference call.
*If you are conducting back-to-back calls, make sure to disconnect your initial conference call line prior to
dialing back in for the next call. (Failing to do so could produce a ‘flash hook’ scenario, which feeds a loud
signal into the call.)
*When entering your conference code and leader PIN do not press the keys too quickly—this will enable the
system to ‘read’ them most effectively.
*During an Operator Assisted Q&A session, participants should pick up their handsets to ask questions. This
will ensure the best possible audio quality and volume from their lines.
*If you are conducting a call using a conference room phone, microphone or speakerphone, be aware of the
location of the phone/microphone at all times and speak directly into the device to ensure the best possible
audio quality and volume.
*If you are conducting an Operator Assisted call using a conference room phone, microphone or
speakerphone, test the volume and line clarity with the operator prior to starting the call..

Web Conferencing Calls

The effective, affordable "face-to-face" alternative to costly and time-consuming overnight travel!

Too much out-of-office travel eating up your budget and productivity?

Now is the best time to consider Web Conferencing to reach prospects and strengthen your client and team connections across town or around the world -- for less than $60 a Month

Get personal without having to leave your office.

You’ll be amazed at the positive response you’ll get from clients who are finally seeing you "face to face" through the magic of video. This kind of warm, personal connection can be extremely powerful and can go a long way toward helping you build strong, long-lived client relationships.

Share applications, web pages, and presentations – instantly! Forget the email and file-to-file sharing. Web conferencing allows you to share, review and revise documents or web pages, demo products or present a proposal – all in real time, sharing the same screen space.Instant-on conference call recording and call transcribing make traditional meeting note-taking a thing of the past as you speed follow-ups and assignment tasking.

With Web and Video Conferencing, you don’t have to be in the same room to review the success of a sales pitch, assign new team tasks or to respond to issues quickly. Operating in the "virtual" world provides all the benefits of "being there" no matter where "there" may be – and at far less cost than traveling on trains, planes and automobiles.

record a conference call and difference between audio and web conferencing?

What is a toll-free conference call?

As a call leader, you provide your participants an 800 number to access your toll-free conference call. Your participants will pay nothing (not even long distance charges) to join your meeting. As the call leader, you will be charged for the entire amount of the conference call.

What is the difference between audio and web conferencing?
Audio conferencing, or a conference call, is done completely over the phone. When web conferencing is added, participants will also need a computer with Internet access in order to see the visual component of your conference call. Audio and web conferencing can be used together or separately. Speak with representatives and they can consult you on which conferencing service is best for your meeting.

How do I record a conference call?

If you are using our event services department, an operator will start and stop the recording for you. Simply ask your reservationist to add this feature to your call. With our Ready-Call® service, you can start the recording yourself, by pressing *2 on your telephone keypad. A message will play to your audience to let them know the call is being recorded.

Conference Call Etiquettes

This is our effort to let you on a few suggestions which we try to implement ourselves while on a conference call. The primary aim is to share some good practices given the large number of communication tools available at hand nowadays.

Conference Calls bring people together from all walks of life from various regions. We are amazed at the responses received and what our support staff have to tell us everyday, its a great feeling to know we get loved ones closer at no cost as well as provide corporate conferences.

The following guidelines fall into the category of proper calling etiquettes when availing of conference call services:

Inviting parties - Request for a conference call
If you are initiating the call, request all other parties if they have time or at an appropriate place to attend the conference call with you at the given time.

Topics during a conference call
It is best to avoid non-business related conversations since many individuals at the conference may feel left out when you share a private joke with the others. Casual conversation relating to all ensures that all of your colleagues are comfortable during the conference.

Invitations for an on-going conference call
Affirmation from everyone already present during a conference call is best before inviting an individual(s) to join into the on-going conference. This is very important while discussing sensitive business issues and introduction of a new participant may not be readily welcome.

People around you during a conference call
Be considerate of people standing or sitting near you and always try to ensure you are far enough from other people so that they are not forced to listen into your call.

Avoid shouting during a conference call

Many times, due to background noise or problems with a bad connection, without realizing we tend to shout so that we are heard properly. Nowadays, most phones have a sensitive microphone capable of picking up the lowest of speech tones.

Appropriate place for a conference call
Please avoid talking while driving. If it is an important business conference call, best to pull over to a parking slot and avoid disaster. The cell savvy user would never use a mobile while driving except if its "hands free" and limits conversations in high traffic.

Pleasant tone and discussions
We provide conference call services to aid you in making that important business call or reaching out to your loves ones spread all over the country. We would personally feel low if we hear reports of conference calls being used for firing employees, chastising employees, argue with colleagues or fight with your spouse or family. Such matters are best discussed face to face and not really meant for during a conference call.

Multi-tasking during a call
We all are good at one task or the other and often feel can carry on that task even during a conference call, but there are times when multi-tasking can be dangerous or even rude.

Thank you for taking time out to read the above and we hope you enjoy our services for a long time to come.

FAQ: Conference Calls Services

1. Q: Do I have to reserve my conference calls in advance?

A: No, with conferences calls services you can hold your conference calls at any time for up to 125 participants. When you sign up you will be provided with Local Access and Toll Free Access Dial In numbers and a conference passcode you can use every time you need to hold a conference call without the need to reserve in advance.

2. Q: Does Conference Calls support International callers?

A: Yes, your international participants can also join your conference call by calling the Local Access Dial In number from anywhere in the world.

3. Q: How many people can I have on a conference call at one time?

A: Conference Calls service supports up to 125 participants on a conference call at one time.

4. Q: Do I need any special equipment to access your service?

A: No, you can access our service from any telephone, including a cell phone.

5. Q: Do I get a dedicated number for my conference calls?

A: Yes, a permanent dial in number and Host and Guest codes will be assigned to you that you can use whenever you want to conduct a conference call.

6. Q: Do the Host and Guests use the same numbers?

A: The Host and Guest will dial in to the conference using the same access number, but the passcodes are different. This allows the Host to control the conference and access special features only available to the Host.

7. Q: Does Conference Calls offer any features/services in addition to the normal conference call?

A: There are many features/services available to both the Host and Guests on your conference calls including muting of lines, volume control and even recording your conference calls. The details regarding these features can be found in the Conference Calls Controls section and also in the Help Section of this web site.

8. Q: Can I get a recording of my conference?

A: Yes. As Host if you record the conference using the Host Feature *22, you can order a CD recording of your conference call by accessing the conference detail when you are logged in to your account.

9. Q: Can I see how long my conference call was before I receive the invoice?

A: After the completion of your conference you will receive an email that contains details regarding the call usage including participant phone numbers when using Toll Free Dial In Access, the number of participants and the total number of minutes of the conference call.

10. Q: Does Conference Calls provide a wallet card containing my conference information?

A: Yes, when you sign up for the service you can print a wallet card that contains the dial in numbers, Host and Guest codes and a list of the most popular Host control features.

11. Q: Can I have more than one passcode in my account?

A: No, since the service offers 500 minutes included for a fixed fee, you will need to open an account for each additional passcode.

12. Q: How do I change my reservation pass codes?

A: 1. Log into your on line account.
2. Select the host code of your reservation.
3. From the Reservation details page select NEW. You will be asked to confirm your request and reminded that the action can not be undone.

Video Conference Calls is a plus

Receive high quality video conferencing for a fraction of the cost. Our system is easy-to-use, reliable, and will ensure crystal clear quality. It can also help you be more productive and save money. Recent technological advances now let you host a conference call, host a video conference, share your desktop and collaborate on documents with others - included Toll-Free audio. LOW COST AND TOLL FREE SERVICES (Flat rate pricing is also available.)

Spur-the-moment meetings and face-to-face interaction are now possible regardless of location.
Video conferencing costs substantially less than traveling and participants will never have to leave their office.

It is proven that you will save time and be more productive if you can work in a controlled environment, within a regular routine. Video conferencing brings work to your office instead of taking it abroad -- allowing you to maintain access to important people, tools, and resources that make your job easier. And best of all, you can still go home to your friends and family at the end of the day.

Keep them engaged

Video conferencing will never replace the in-person meeting, but it will support your business meetings by providing you with unique ways to interact. The online collaborative tools can enhance a meeting in ways that can’t be done in person. Document sharing and white board applications give you (and everyone else) hands-on experience, and Q & A tools and text-messaging let you easily manage large group meetings. This interactive meeting will get everyone involved and will boost participation and retention rates.conferences calls services

Expand your reach

Now you can gain a wider reach at a lower cost and defy geographic boundaries. Use video conferencing to qualify candidates (leads, partners, and clients) before meeting them in person. Whether three blocks away, or three time zones apart, you can have a seamless video conferencing experience. Before long, this technology will become a seamless and integrated part of your business.


* Login, listen and leave. It’s easy to meet with anyone, anywhere.
* Save money by eliminating travel, accommodations, food and gas.
* Enhance your meetings in ways that can’t be done in person
* Save time and be more productive
* Meet more often, and get more done.

For basic video conferencing there is no hardware required. A basic web camera is all you need to get started. You do not need to order an installation CD, simply login to our website and download directly to your computer. The installation is easy and you can begin video conferencing within minutes.


High definition video conferencing is available with our system if you have the proper equipment. AFFORDABLE BUSINESS CONFERENCE CALLS This means you will get a 1280x720 pixel image at 30 framesper second as opposed to a 352x240 image from a traditional web camera. High definition video uses a lot of bandwidth (about 1.2 megabits) so it is important that all participants are using a reliable Internet carrier to connect to the Internet.

We use MPEG-4 video, which is an industry standard for audio and video streaming. This technology was designed to deliver high quality video at a lower data rate and smaller file size. The video is compressed without compromising quality. Broadcasters such as DirecTV use MPEG-4 to deliver digital television shows. It is universally accepted by most media players.

Recommended Video Web Cams

Looking for A Better Conference Call?

Whether you have a small business or a large corporation, you need communication to thrive. Skype can help you connect three people, fifty people, or more – quickly, easily, and securely. Simply getting your people on the same call is a good start, but what else can you do to increase your productivity? Do you need to record your calls, or maybe you need PowerPoint® to get your ideas across? If you are an individual, small business, or corporation, Skype has your communication needs covered. See how our other features can take your meetings to a new level as well. Skype is truly a better conference call service. conferences calls services

Pay as you Go: Toll free access. Includes insight™ web conferencing. No reservations, no waiting. No monthly requirements. You're only charged for minutes used. For calls with 3 to hundrends of callers.

Pay-Per-Month: Includes insight™ web conferencing. The flat monthly rates are based on the amount of lines reserved. The account holder does not pay for the participant's phone usage (including long distance). LOW COST AND TOLL FREE SERVICES

Operator Assisted Calls: You can select from any of our Enhanced Options to make sure your Conference Call is a success. We are eager to help you plan and execute your next conference call.

What is Direct Event Conferencing?

Direct Event is the perfect combination of an operator assisted conference call and an automated toll-free conference. When you need your speakers and VIPs handled with great care, but also have a large audience, this is the ideal service for you! There are also many features available to make sure your phone meeting is perfectly suited to your needs.
With Direct Event, you can:

* Make companywide announcements
* Announce quarterly earnings
* Hold press conferences
* Launch new products

There are many features you can add to your Direct Event teleconferencing service to make it uniquely yours. Whether you are hosting a standard business conference call or an elaborate international conference call, here are some of the features you can add to get everything you need from your call and ensure it is executed perfectly.

* Event Registration
– keep track of registered attendees for large events. Attendees can register by phone or online and you can choose the information required for registration.
* Participant List – create a preapproved list of participants who are allowed to join the teleconference. As operators join people to the conference, they check your list, providing you with a secure meeting.
* Recording – digitally record your conferce and distribute it on a compact disc or through several playback options, including listening to the archive by dialing a toll-free conference number.
* Transcription – obtain a written record of your audio conference sent to you for record keeping or for extracting quotable sound bites. LOW COST AND TOLL FREE SERVICES
* Sub-conference – have your speakers and VIP guests join the call a few minutes early and your operator will create a sub-conference for last minute preparations. The audience will not be able to hear you, but will be updated periodically by the operator regarding call start time.

What is Operator Assisted Conferencing

A full range of conferences calls services options are covered by this premium conference call service, so you're free to ask for as much assistance as you need without additional fees. Our operators often call out to participants, verify them against a participant list, read introductory scripts and perform a question and answer session at the end of the phone meeting.

Operator Assisted calls with over 50 participants will automatically get a pre-call consultation from our team of specialists! Reservations can be made online, over the phone or through pre-arranged recurring schedules. Conference call numbers and passcodes for these calls are only active at the time you request. Minimum charges apply; please refer to our terms and conditions for more information. AFFORDABLE BUSINESS CONFERENCE CALLS

Wants is Ready-Call Reservationless Conferencing

Ready-Call gives you a permanent toll-free number that is available 24/7 for your conference calls. Simply dial the assigned phone number and enter your permanent pass-code to start conferencing! Although this is a reservationless conference call, an operator is still available should you need assistance. With a low, pay-as-you-go per minute rate, this is the most convenient conference call service available! LOW COST AND TOLL FREE SERVICES

With Ready-Call you can:

* Host impromptu sales meetings
* Meet at any time to make quick decisions
* Give project updates to those outside your office
* Plan for emergencies with a conference code that is always active
* Record conference calls and playback online

conferences calls services

How to Increase Teleconference Attendance

Remind Your Participants – Remind your participants by sending an email or making a quick phone call. conferences calls services Sometimes people want to attend, but they forget.

Use a Guest Speaker – Invite a high-profile speaker. This can be an industry professional or a prominent member of your company. Inform participants that you will be hosting a live Q & A session with your guest speaker.

Take Attendance – Participants will be less likely to skip when they know that their name will be called out. A little accountability can go a long way.

Out-Dial – Instead of having participants call you, you should call them. Our blast-dial feature enables everyone on your list to be called at the same time. You can also have one of our operators assist you with the out-dial process.

Incorporate Media – Keep your attendees engaged and they’ll come back for more. Use Video, PowerPoint, Live Polls and Text-Based Chat to enhance your conferencing experience.

Keep it Entertaining – Incorporate humor throughout your meeting and find ways to keep it interesting. You can create a funny and interactive poll, show a comic strip or share a joke.

Consistency – Plan your calls for the same time and same day so that your participants are less likely to forget. In addition conferences calls services, your participants will begin to anticipate your meetings and plan accordingly.

Toll-free – Flat rate conferencing does not get the same response as toll-free. If people need to pay for the call, then they are less likely to attend.

Last-Minute Reminder – Nothing works better then a last-minute reminder. Send a short email about an hour before the conference call begins AFFORDABLE BUSINESS CONFERENCE CALLS.

How to Conduct an Effective Teleconference Calls

Imagine you are about to professionally speak to 30 people on a teleconference call where the interaction is audio only. Reading the reactions of your audience is very difficult because there are no visual clues. All you have to guide you are your ears, imagination, and intuitive senses. AFFORDABLE BUSINESS CONFERENCE CALLS Facilitating a teleconference is an art that many business professionals need to learn in order to be effective.

Structuring a teleconference methodically not only saves you valuable time (as well as the participants’), but also proves to be an effective and efficient way to get all parties on the “same page.” Begin by deciding the focus for your conference – do you want a “learning-focused” or a “lecture-based” teleconference call? The number one mistake people make is thinking that all confrerence calls are the same. Knowing the difference between these types of calls helps you plan and implement your call effectively.

Organization & Planning

* Develop an agenda that includes:
o Goals
o Participant expectations
o Timeline of deliverables
* Plan accordingly:
o Ask participants to review the agenda prior to the call
o Consider the impact of participant comment volume on time available when determining the number of agenda items
* Scheduling and Preparation:
o Make sure all the participants have all the required information (the access phone number, the conference code, etc.)
o Distribute supporting documents/files before the call start
* Starting the call:
o As the facilitator, dial-in 5-10 minutes early and be the first to arrive
o If appropriate, ask early arrivals to greet subsequent arrivals as a team-building activity
o Find out if there are any individual time constraints and adjust accordingly
* Stay on topic:
o Sticking to the published agenda reduces costs and makes the teleconference more profitable
o Provide your participants contact information in order to contribute possible topics for future conferences
* Share leadership duties:
o Help less engaged people become more involved in the call
o Ask individuals to “lead” sections of the agenda
o During the call, pause occasionally and ask for feedback
* Wrap things up:
o Provide a brief recap of all items discussed
o Re-iterate the contact information for those participants that need further clarification or would like to contribute future topics LOW COST AND TOLL FREE SERVICES

Teleconferencing can take some practice to be effective but in the long term, it will save your organization a tremendous amount of time and money.