вторник, 20 октября 2009 г.

How to Increase Teleconference Attendance

Remind Your Participants – Remind your participants by sending an email or making a quick phone call. conferences calls services Sometimes people want to attend, but they forget.

Use a Guest Speaker – Invite a high-profile speaker. This can be an industry professional or a prominent member of your company. Inform participants that you will be hosting a live Q & A session with your guest speaker.

Take Attendance – Participants will be less likely to skip when they know that their name will be called out. A little accountability can go a long way.

Out-Dial – Instead of having participants call you, you should call them. Our blast-dial feature enables everyone on your list to be called at the same time. You can also have one of our operators assist you with the out-dial process.

Incorporate Media – Keep your attendees engaged and they’ll come back for more. Use Video, PowerPoint, Live Polls and Text-Based Chat to enhance your conferencing experience.

Keep it Entertaining – Incorporate humor throughout your meeting and find ways to keep it interesting. You can create a funny and interactive poll, show a comic strip or share a joke.

Consistency – Plan your calls for the same time and same day so that your participants are less likely to forget. In addition conferences calls services, your participants will begin to anticipate your meetings and plan accordingly.

Toll-free – Flat rate conferencing does not get the same response as toll-free. If people need to pay for the call, then they are less likely to attend.

Last-Minute Reminder – Nothing works better then a last-minute reminder. Send a short email about an hour before the conference call begins AFFORDABLE BUSINESS CONFERENCE CALLS.

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